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Employers’ 7 common mistakes in the disciplinary process…

February 26, 2025

  Disciplinary processes are difficult and stressful for all concerned. From my experience the 7 common mistakes employers make are:

1.  Failure to tell the employee what the allegations are. Tell the employee what the allegations are and provide copies of statements from witnesses and relevant material. Also advise at the start of possible outcomes of the investigation if the allegations are proved to be correct.

2.  Failure to give the employee a chance to respond to the allegations. Provide a reasonable opportunity for the employee to respond. Give them a fair amount of time to prepare. Also, before making a decision on suspension the employee should be informed that is being considered and invited to provide their views on the proposed suspension. If the allegations are proven give the employee an opportunity to comment on any proposed outcome.

3.  Failure to allow for a support person or representative. The support person must be allowed to speak for and represent the employee.

4.  Failure to carry out a fair investigation. It is the responsibility of the employer to establish what (if anything) has occurred. Keep an open mind and do not predetermine the outcome. Interview all relevant witnesses.

5.  Failing to come to fact-based conclusions. What evidence is there to find the facts?

6.  Getting the seriousness wrong. If the allegations are correct, how serious is the event? Finding serious misconduct, when it is not serious enough, happens too often.

Misconduct should be dealt with at the appropriate level. What should the proposed outcome be? Should it be a warning or dismissal?

7.  Failing to act consistently. How have others been dealt with (in the past or in this same event)? Outcomes do not have to be the same, but you need to be able to justify why you acted differently.

The disciplinary process must be carried out correctly. Failure to do so risks businesses facing costs and disruption that would otherwise have been avoidable, and employees being subjected to processes that are unfair and do not give them a reasonable opportunity to answer the allegations.

By Stuarts Accountants February 26, 2025
An area of uncertainty for employers when contemplating restructuring & redundancy processes concern obligations associated with disclosing relevant information. The law requires employers provide employees who are adversely affected by any formal processes, for example - a redundancy process - with access to all relevant information (in writing) before any decisions are made. This is a requirement that employers often completely overlook and/or fail to do their due diligence on before commencing change processes with their employees. The important point to make here is: That failure to provide employees with relevant information in these situations can be fatal to defending subsequent personal grievance claim(s). Namely, a claim for unjustified dismissal premised on employer failing to provide access to all relevant information. Problems associated with this area of law can be illustrated in a recent judgment by the Court of Appeal in Birthing Centre Ltd v Matas [2024] NZCA 139, which dismissed an appeal from the Employment Court in Birthing Centre Ltd v Matas [2023] NZEmpC 162 that was in favour of five ex-employees who were employed as midwives. In this case, Birthing Centre Limited (‘BCL’) transferred its services to MidCentral District Health Board (‘MDHB’). The commercial agreement between the parties had a condition that the arrangement be strictly confidential. After the transaction was completed, announcements followed, and concerns subsequently picked up by Midwifery Employment Representation and Advisory Services Union (‘the Union’). In summary, employees were informed they would be transferred to MDHB – but the deal had already been completed by that stage. Five midwives who worked for BCL raised personal grievance claims for unjustified dismissal. Their claims centred on the lack of consultation and provisions of information occurring prior to being notified of their employment transferring. BCL attempted to argue that it was exempted from consulting with employees because there was a good reason to maintain confidentiality in terms of the commercial agreement between BCL and MDHB. The Court of Appeal declined the application for leave to appeal - essentially confirming the ruling of the Employment Court which was: ". . . A fair and reasonable employer could in the circumstances have considered options for exploring whether it could maintain the integrity of BCL’s commercial position as well as the DHB’s commercial position, while informing its employees of the proposal in a confidential way". The Employment Court determined that there had been a failure by the BCL to consider: Options for exploring whether the integrity of their commercial position could be maintained while informing employees of a potential sale in a confidential way. Whether providing information to the Union was viable on embargoed basis. Direct employees not to share information during the consultation process. Include a condition of sale that employees be consulted on a conditional basis and their views sought before the sale agreement became unconditional. As a result, remedies previously imposed in by the Employment Relations Authority (‘the Authority’) were required to be paid by BCL to the midwives. The total value of the claims exceeded $35,000.00 across each of the employees, including compensation payments for injury to feelings and four weeks wages equivalent for each of claimant. This is not to mention the legal costs and time which would have been incurred that were associated with three sets of separate legal proceedings, i.e. a determination in the Authority, the Employment Court and the Court of Appeal, which would have been significant. The outcome associated with this case is a chilling reminder to employers to ensure they do their due diligence when contemplating restructuring processes, including business transfers and sales. Failure to sufficiently plan and understand an employer’s legal obligations can translate to successful legal challenges. It is vital an employer does careful due diligence, along with understanding any specific areas of legal risk (and plan for contingencies – if necessary) before embarking on these sought of processes. If an employer is going to attempt to rely on confidentiality to withhold information from affected employees, then it must be able to show & explain why confidentiality is necessary to protect its commercial position. More importantly, employers who are considering withholding relevant information need to understand that the legal threshold for not disclosing information on grounds of ‘confidentiality’ and/or ‘commercial sensitivity’ is extremely high (and open to challenge). Accordingly, the ‘least risky’ approach is for an employer to consider making provision of all relevant information available to the affected employees via a formal consultation process before any decisions are made.
By Stuarts Accountants December 2, 2024
By Stuarts Accountants September 11, 2024
An employee can raise a personal grievance if they feel they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably. For example, if an employee thinks they have been unfairly dismissed or unjustifiably disadvantaged by their employer. Personal grievances handled incorrectly can result in significant costs for an employer. It is therefore important to know your obligations and to take steps to prevent such grievances. Employers have an obligation to act fairly and reasonably. This obligation is really important when an employer undertakes a disciplinary and/or dismissal process, as the employee will feel under real threat at those times, and potentially likely to challenge what has happened and how processes were conducted. When undertaking these processes, it is vital to first look at the employee’s employment agreement. It is likely that the agreement will provide specific steps to take during a disciplinary procedure. If that is so, an employer is required to follow those steps otherwise they will have breached the employment agreement. You should also be sure to communicate with the employee. This is important in all contexts. For example, you should communicate with the employee even if their misconduct was minor. Though this can be informal, it ensures the employee is aware of your expectations. Having a discussion with the employee may also get ahead of the problem and resolve it short of a personal grievance. Make sure that you have a relevant person with you in the discussion who can confirm what took place if needed, and ask them to record a note of what happened that can be referred to later. The employee must also be fully informed if any disciplinary process is being undertaken and they should be aware of its potential outcomes. This includes being informed of any complaints or investigations against them. Employees must also be allowed to have their say throughout any process and be given a chance to explain their side of the story. An employee must also be informed they are allowed a support representative at any formal meetings with the employer. During any of these processes a decision must not be made until all factors are considered. This requires a genuine investigation into any alleged behaviour by the employee, as well as any evidence from the employee themselves. A few extra tips include remaining calm and polite, even when a personal grievance is being raised by an employee. Escalating the situation risks making matters worse. It is absolutely vital not to take short-cuts throughout this process. Personal grievances can result in large costs for an employer who gets the process wrong, even if the employee’s behaviour was serious. The employment landscape is literally littered with employers who reasonably had problems with an employee but got key elements of the processes wrong. It is recommended to implement clear and effective procedures before those processes are required. This ensures that there is a step-by-step process to follow and there are likely to be less issues during the process. It is also recommended to keep a record of any serious interactions or conversations with employees, and that all paperwork is accurate and well organised. These documents will likely be required if a personal grievance is eventually raised against you. Being able to refer the employee to them might show them that the correct processes have been followed, and avoid a personal grievance being raised at all.  If you are confused about your obligations or wish to clarify how you can prevent a personal grievance, it is best to seek legal advice from a professional with experience in the area.
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